How to set time server on PDC

  1. Log in to your PDC Server and open the command prompt as administrator.
  2. Configure the external time sources, type: w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /
  3. Make your PDC a reliable time source for the clients. Type: w32tm /config /reliable:yes
  4. Restart the w32time service: net stop w32time && net start w32time
  5. The windows time service should begin synchronizing the time.
  6. You can check the external NTP servers in the time configuration by typing: w32tm /query /configuration

Windows Server Remote Desktop Services grace period expoired

Remove the RDS licensing time-bomb registry entry with the help of Sysinternals PSExec (Regedit alone couldn’t do it because it had to be run under highest privileges):

psexec -s -i regedit.exe:

Locate the registry key: HKLM\system\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\GracePeriod


Remove the registry key GracePeriod and reboot the computer.